Yacht & Boat Safety Requirements in Australia

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Boat safety equipment requirements in Australia

The Search and Rescue Council (SAR) International Satellite System has become increasingly effective and efficient in terms of its detection and rescue coordination.

Even so, it does not take the place of carrying fully functioning safety equipment in accordance with the recommendations and requirements relevant to the State or Territory of the waters you are boating in.

Carrying the appropriate boat safety equipment in good working order need not be an inconvenience – nor should it be an after-thought.  Quality, well maintained boating safety equipment saves lives!

The boating safety requirements vary in each State.  For the convenience of all Australian boaters, Yacht and Boat have collated this information with the support and assistance of the State & Federal Government bodies for Maritime Safety in Australia.

Whilst we make every effort to ensure this information is current, it should be treated as a guide only.  We recommend you check directly with your State Maritime Authority to ensure your boat safety equipment complies with the current legislation.

Direct links can be found under the pages for each State.

More information can be obtained via the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) at www.amsa.gov.au

24 Hour Emergency Maritime Rescue Contact Numbers

1800 641 792  or  +612 6230 6811