img 2019 AB Inflatables ID 5052886 | Yacht and Boat Sales


Listing Id 5052886 Length 0.00 Feet
Condition New Type
Make AB Inflatables Year 2019
Model Consoles Hull Style
Hull Type


RIB Force Inflatables offer a wide range of consoles for RIBs and inflatable boats made locally as well as imported. The range includes both stand-up consoles as well as jockey consoles. There are also alternative type consoles offered such as the Eurohelm and skeleton consol. At RIB Force, we can provide a forward steer solution.

The console range suits RIBS ranging from 2.8m-10m. If you provide us with details of your boat we will be able to give you some options of consoles that would suit. We can fit up the boat with a console solution or alternatively supply the consoles for you to fit up yourself.

The console range includes consoles for commercial vessels as well as recreational vessels.

Console prices start from $898.00 for small Aurora console

Console to suit AB 9/10' RIBS from $1,395.00

Console no front seat,  to suit 11/12 RIBS $2,535.00

Console with single front seat $3,098.00

Other sizes available, contact Rib Force for more information on 07 55737 265


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