img 1.0 Horizon SEABREEZE 515 ID 5061700 | Yacht and Boat Sales

Brand new Horizon 520 Seabreeze aluminium bowrider.



Listing Id 5061700 Length 5.30 Meter
Condition New Type Power
Make Horizon Year 1.0
Model SEABREEZE 515 Hull Style Single
Hull Type Aluminium Stock Number 520 Seabreeze


Brand new Horizon 520 Seabreeze aluminium bowrider.

Type - Bowrider, Length - 5.30m , Beam - 2.40m, Weight - 470kgs  , Max Cap - 6 person, Max HP - 115hp

The bowrider design has become one of our most popular styles for families wanting to have a bit of fun out on the water. Allowing for ample cockpit space fore and aft without giving away any of the features normally found aboard typical runabouts.

Like some others in the extensive range from Horizon, the SeaBreeze qualifies as all-rounders, capable of handling many varies roles with fun afloat.

Available as hull only or boat, motor, trailer package with your choice of Mercury outboard (Now with 6 years warranty!) and trailer to suit.

Call Waves Overseas on (02) 9745 5555 for pricing, availabilityand more details. Full range of alloy boats in stock from open tinnies to runabouts to bowriders. Now located at 128 parramatta rd, croydon, 2132.


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