Issue 96 of Bluewater Boats and Sportsfishing Magazine released February 2013

Home»Boating News»Issue 96 of Bluewater Boats and Sportsfishing Magazine released February 2013

FISHING FEATURES in this edition of Bluewater Boats and Sportsfishing Magazine

battling blue granders

Sooner or later you might find yourself hooked-up to an enormous blue marlin, perhaps a fish weighing more than 1000 pounds. What then? Capt Peter Bristow, the skipper with more granders to his credit than any other, details the game plan and strategies to catch them faster and release them healthier.

what billfish is that?

Being able to correctly identify different species of billfish is important, not only to determine if you’ve just caught a record fish, but so you can accurately fill in your tag cards, which affects scientific research. Dr Julian Pepperell’s handy billfish identification guide now makes it easy for you.


creatures of the deep

Crested bandfish

Dr Pepperell describes an unusual fish that seems to share a similar escape tactic with squid.


fast-track your bucket-list to panama

It may seem a long way to go, but this dream destination has so much to offer that you’ll have to get there!


Classic tomes

Tight Lines

Ralph Bandini’s adventures during the ‘golden years’ of gamefishing with the Tuna Club of Avalon.


they call the shots

Capt Peter Bristow

From Cairns to Madeira, he’s chased the world’s biggest black and blue marlin for more than 45 years.


lure lore

Part 14: Casting an illusion

Jim Rizzuto details how the choice of skirt material and the way it is attached can affect lure action.


Technically speaking

Easier, safer, better billfish releases

Techniques to ensure that the billfish you release actually survive.


big fish – small boats

Protecting your prized possessions

Prepare your equipment for road trips and it will serve you better.


smoke and mirrors

Bonze ‘Pineapple Express’

This high-quality lure represents slim baitfish like sauri and garfish, and also enables high-speed trolling.




the force is still with us

Assegai Marine 40-foot custom sportfisher

It’s back! Once suggested in this magazine as one of the best Australian-built gamefishers, Assegai Marine’s five-month restoration has seen spectacular results.


Repowering with diesel

Taking advantage of the amazing developments in modern diesel engines can pay for itself with a vast improvement in your boat’s performance and considerable savings in fuel and maintenance.





Hot Bites – Australasia

Hot Bites – International

IGFA Rule Book

BlueWater Calendar

A Site to See

Rum Lines

Tournament News

NZSFC Report

IGFA Report

On the Waterfront

Advertisers’ Index

Out of the Blue




Editorial – Simpson






The Billfish Foundation