Down Under comes up with boating Summit

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Down Under comes up with boating Summit

The National Marine Safety Committee (NMSC) is busy organising the Summit on recreational boat standards to coincide with next year’s Sanctuary Cove International Boat Show.

The Summit Down Under, to be held on 21-22 May on Queensland’s Gold Coast, will give marine industry delegates the chance to hear international experts discuss how the latest developments in recreational boating standards around the world can impact on exporters.

Many of those experts will be in Australia for a meeting of the international standards committee on small craft (ISO/TC 188).

“Clearly, the goal is to have one set of safety standards that is acceptable in all countries,” explained NMSC’s Acting CEO John Henry.

“Aligning the standards used in the US and Europe would make life a lot easier for Australian companies exporting pleasure craft,” Mr Henry said.

“The Summit’s seminar planned for 22 May will look into emerging safety issues affecting the design and construction of recreational boats.  Even if there’s resistance to changing long-standing local requirements, at least we should try to agree on a common approach to new challenges.

Mr Henry also encouraged delegates to attend the Summit Down Under dinner on the preceding night (21 May), as “it is an ideal opportunity to ‘break the ice’ before the seminar and meet with the ISO experts”.

Please email preliminary enquiries to  The NMSC website will provide more information including a registration form in January 2009.
The NMSC aims to achieve nationally uniform marine safety practices and is made up of the CEOs of Australia’s marine safety agencies.