Interested in buying a boat in South Australia this year? Before you head out on the water, you need to apply for a boating licence. We’re going to explore the requirements for your boat licence in SA below.
South Australia Boat Licence FAQ
How to get a boat licence in South Australia?
If you are operating a boat with a motor, you must have a licence. This is regardless of the size of the boat or the engine, or whether the engine is being used at the time. At age 16, everyone needs to apply for a boat licence, however, those 12 – 16 years old can applye for a special permission to operate a boat provided they pass a practical test within a maximum of six months following a written exam.
How long does a boat licence last in South Australia?
Once you successfully apply for your boat licence in South Australia, it is valid for life. No need to reapply or renew ever again!
How much does a small boat licence cost in South Australia?
In total, your SA boating licence will cost you $98. This includes the $50 fee for your boat operator’s licence theory test, and the $48 boat operator’s licence fee.
How many questions are in a boat licence test in SA?
The SA boat licence test consists of 30 multiple choice questions in total, with applicants requiring at least 26 correct answers in order to pass the test.
Can I use a SA boat licence living in VIC?
You can use your SA boat licence in VIC if you are only planning to use and operate your vessel in Victoria for less than three months. Once you stay over three months, you are required to transfer your SA boat licence to a VIC boat licence.
Can you drive a boat without a licence in SA?
No, any boat that has a motor, requires a boat licence in South Australia. Unless you are operating a canoe, kayak, stand up paddle board, or another non-motorized watercraft, you need to apply for and obtain and boat licence in SA.
Do you have to renew a boat licence in SA?
No, your boat licence is valid for life upon successfully attaining one in South Australia.
How to book a boat licence test in SA?
You can book a boat licence and arrange your test, through the SA government website. For more information on what is required and how to book your boat licence test at a Service SA Centre, please click here.
Applying for a boat licence in South Australia is a requirement for any person planning to operate a motorized vessel on the water. Upon successful completion of your exam and payment for your licence, it is valid for life. For more information on boat licences in Australia, please refer to this overview on our website.